The confessions of a cynophilist

2 min readOct 19, 2020

“ Tread ahead of me and I will be your follower. Stroll after me and I will be your guide. Walk beside me and I will be your best mate”, said the dog. The human smirked and stalked over his frame. He wept out of the excruciating pain. The human guffawed joyfully, as the dog’s insides were getting squashed. The human’s cacophony blared perpetually in his ears. He halted his pleadings and let out a low-pitched moan as the crimson fluid oozed out from all corners of his tormented body.

“You are God. Every part of you is a blessing. We will worship you with everything we’ve got” said the Indian. “We devour each one of your ‘soma’” said the Englishman, as he dragged the cow by his neck to the abattoir. Her overwhelming tears blurred her eyes. The sight of the huge blades inside the abattoir perturbed her. She glanced at several other friends of hers, holding back in the line. The first one in the line stood phlegmatically as the monster blades approached her neck. She glanced at her wistfully, as they moved across her neck effortlessly. A dab of her gore stained every cow’s skin. She was half-expecting to be set free, her hope in humanity never abandoning her. She reproachfully glimpsed at all of her mates getting slaughtered one after the other. She stood solemnly as the blades approached her. She acquiesced her death, not even making an effort to escape.

“Let me just eat this fruit. I haven’t eaten in days. My baby must be hungry too” ruminated the pregnant elephant. She picked up the fruit and engulfed it wholeheartedly. She masticated her food leisurely. Her tongue started conflagrating as the food progressed into her stomach. She cried out for help, ensuring that her call was loud enough. It seemed vicious and eternal. Nobody attended to her distress call. “MAAMAAA!!” screamed her little one. She ran towards the water to find solace from agonizing pain. Her heart thumped for the last time as her corpse plummeted towards the water.

Every animal is a friend. Show them a snippet of love, and they gravitate towards you. We are to live, with a sense of mutualism. We are just inhabitors, not possessors.

Live and let live!




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